Joshua Fireseed battles a powerful alien life form known as the Primagen. Turok II - Seeds of Evil is a great video that delivers great action,game play,graphics (especially with the expansion pack), selection of weapons,huge fantastic levels,Great enemies with uncanny intelligence and a one of the greatest scores. The first game is very good and the Turok 3; Shadow of Oblivion is an excellent game but Turok 2 is My favorite of the series. In My opinion Seeds of Evil is a perfect game and I am proud to own it! I really liked the first Turok game, so when the 2nd came out I bought it. At first I put it on and I could see how dark it was. I mean I knew it was called "seeds of evil" but I didn't think it would be as dark as it is. I liked the Iguana entertainment video in the beginning, as anyone who's seen the video on the first turok game would like the 2nd one.Unfortunately I can't say the same for the actual game play. Turok is no longer the same character, it is a new turok named jason or something, and he looks different. Everything is hard to see(because it's so dark), the weapons are evil looking, the boss' and bad guys are as well, and THERE WERE NO DINOSAURS….that had me going. The only dinosaurs were genetically engineered and they walked like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a cheesy looking dinosaur costume. I barely ever play the game it was such a disappointment. Only once in a while is it fun to turn on the game,get out the shotgun and blow away the enemys. Then after about 15 minutes you put the game away for a few months again….and it pretty much goes on like that. The game was extremely disappointing and no wonder it was such a flop. 2 out of 5 stars (ps) If you want a cheat type in "BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", to activate the cheat mode
Rakeepeada replied
326 weeks ago